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to be moved to love to hope to tremble to live
It's not your fault you crave sweets on the regular.
Yup, you read that right.
You can binge on TV and ice cream after a long day of work.
You can consume a pile of chocolate after a break-up.
You can chug a half liter of sweetened soda while eating a cookie the size of your face even though your doctor said you need to reduce your sugar intake.
You can decide you're going to adopt better eating habits, only to fail the next day...and it still would NOT be your fault.
​So who takes the blame for your potential fat gain, skin problems, energy crashes, body image issues, and other mental and physical illnesses that may be caused by consuming excess sugar?
The corporations that create all the sweets you crave are 100% to blame.
1. They lure you in with attractive ads and packaging.
2. They play with your senses by using artificial flavors, sweeteners, and colors.
3. They unintentionally work together with other brands to make you feel a certain way.
Food corporations are able to do this because they understand the effects that sweet taste has on the mind.
The only way to break their spell is for us to unlearn the rules that society has taught us - like the very act of rewarding or comforting ourselves with high sugar, processed foods that are detrimental to our health.
This does NOT mean that we endorse cutting out sugar completely.
Sugar is a carbohydrate.
Many carbohydrates are beneficial for us.
And we enjoy food, and understand that good food makes for good memories.
The key is to change from craving the wrong types of sugars and carbs to craving the right ones that nourish you and keep you full. YES, it is possible to crave nutritious foods.
We have to learn to find flavor, pleasure, and satisfaction in foods that give us proper nutrition and energy. We have to change our perspectives by slowly incorporating new habits and creating a new mindset that we can pass on to future generations.
We should be able to indulge in our favorite treats every once in a while.
We should realize when we've eaten enough and not have to force ourselves to stop.
We should be able to easily say no to foods that are bad for our long-term health.
We should be able to make food decisions using our own intelligence.
The Sweet Palate Cleanser 7 Week Program will give you a blueprint on how you can get closer to achieving these life-changing behaviors.
Ultimately YOU should have total control over your eating habits.
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